Divya Arya Vidya Public School, Bishnupur

General Guideline for Parents


1. Communicate with your child: Regularly talk to your child about their school, studies, and any concerns they may have. Create an open and supportive environment where they feel comfortable discussing their academic experiences.
2. Establish a routine: Encourage your child to follow a consistent daily routine that includes dedicated study time, breaks, and sufficient rest. Having a structured schedule helps in developing good study habits.
3. Provide a conducive study environment: Create a quiet and well-lit space for your child to study at home. Minimize distractions such as noise, gadgets, or television during study hours.
4. Monitor progress: Keep track of your child's progress in terms of academics, attendance, and assignments. Regularly review their report cards and communicate with teachers to understand their performance.
5. Encourage independent learning: Promote self-study and encourage your child to take responsibility for their own learning. Teach them effective study techniques, such as note-taking, summarizing, and time management skills.
6. Support homework completion: Be available to assist your child with their homework and projects. However, encourage them to attempt tasks independently first before providing guidance. Help them develop problem-solving skills and offer assistance when needed.
7. Foster a love for reading: Encourage your child to read regularly, both academic and non-academic material. Reading enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Provide access to age-appropriate books and reading materials.
8. Stay involved with the school: Attend parent-teacher meetings, school events, and participate in school activities. Stay updated with school policies, curriculum changes, and exam schedules.
9. Balance academics and extracurricular activities: Encourage your child to engage in extracurricular activities like sports, arts, or hobbies. These activities promote holistic development and provide a break from academic pressure.
10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Ensure your child gets enough sleep, eats nutritious meals, and engages in regular physical exercise. A healthy lifestyle supports their overall well-being and cognitive abilities.
11. Encourage open communication with teachers: Encourage your child to communicate openly with their teachers if they have any doubts or concerns. This helps in building a positive teacher-student relationship and resolving academic issues promptly.
12. Promote a positive attitude: Encourage a growth mindset in your child, emphasizing the importance of effort, perseverance, and learning from mistakes. Celebrate achievements and provide constructive feedback to inspire continuous improvement.
13. Please countersign the remarks made in the school diary with the mention 'SEEN' and advise your child suitably.
14. Ensure that you ward comes to school in proper uniform as per the specification and design laid' by the school.
15. Advise your ward that he/she should come to school and observe punctuality of time regularly and should not miss the school even for a day, unless it is unavoidable. Leave rules should be followed and note should be entered in the 'ABSENCE RECORD' column in the diary.
16. It is vital for the students to do home work regularly. Be a resource person at home for your ward in his/her assignments.
17. No valuable articles should be worm by the student or should be sent with the student. Each student will be responsible for his/her own books, pen, cycle, tiffin box or any article brought to school. The school does not hold any responsibility for loss of any personal article or valuable brought by the student
18. Parents are expected to see the Progress Card carefully and ensure that their ward(s) make a special effort to study those subjects in which they are getting poor marks. The Report Card signed by the parents, should be returned to school within three days of its receipt.
19. Pay the school fees regularly. For details read the" Instruction for payment of fees".
20. Parents are not allowed to speak to their wards or take them away from the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
21. Parents are expected not to consult the teachers during school hours. Those who seek information or who want to make some complaint should do so to the Principal and not to the teacher. However, they can meet the Principal or the teacher with prior appointment.
22. Parents should send their wards to the school or to the Bus stop at the proper time. they should also collect their wards from the school/bus stop as per the timings laid by the school. School will not be held responsible after their final dispersal from the school gate or Bus Stop.
23. Please help your child develop all his/ her potentialities by means of devoted and honest participation in the co curricular activities, school function and inter school competitions.
24. For a healthy and a purposeful interaction between the parents and the teachers, a Parent- Teacher Association (PTA) meeting is organised from time to time in the school. Parents, both father and mother,are specially requested to attend the PTA meeting as and when scheduled, to assess the progress of their child.
25. A minimum advance notice of 3days in the form of a written application to the office is imperative for issuing any certificate. Such certificates are, however, issued only during the working hours, on the class days after verifying the clearance of all dues.
26. Please insist on printed receipt against every payment, you pay to the school.
27. Parents should drop their suggestions for the improvement of the school in the "SUGGESTION BOX" maintained in school.