Divya Arya Vidya Public School, Bishnupur

Non-academic Infrastructure


All the class rooms have been provided with modern Audio- Visual facilities like LCD Projector, Overhead Projector, Big-size Screen, Cordless Microphone with Amplifier and Speaker to facilitate the teaching and learning process. In future we will also introduce Interactive Electronic Boards in all the class rooms and tutorials.
Also, the planning will include incorporation of the BALA (Building as Learning Aid) principle where different elements of learning will be in-built into the design – for example window grills integrating alphabets, numbering on the risers and treads of steps, class corners, pictorial counting on walls, clock on wall in class, heights measurements on existing columns, local games in IPS floor in courtyard, chess tables as a permanent fixture in front of library, geometrical symmetrical patterns on double door panels, angles on floor as per door swings, rulers marked on the students’ benches, grids drawn on black / green boards, puzzles painted on walls at student height, modular benches to facilitate group as well as individual learning.

Activity Rooms

Well-equipped, spacious rooms are provided for various co-curricular activities like arts, yoga, music, dance as well as play rooms for the tiny-tots.


Large well-maintained grass playground with an attractive separate section for the junior children and children’s park with ample play items.

Annual Sports Day

In the sports day student participate in competitive sporting activities